I'm Kind of A Big Deal
So way back in the 1900s when I was dreaming of going to school to become an esthetician. I never knew that the journey would take me to so many amazing places, and afford me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people along the way. I've worked for Conair, been featured in The NY Times, interviewed on television, been on the radio, trademarked a skin care product in 33 countries, and been in TWO documentaries. That's just a blip of all of the ISH I've done.
My bestie in my mind, Dale Carnegie says that it is not bragging if it's true. So it's okay to let my overachieving flag fly! No silly, I'm not really friends with Dale, but since I took his communications program in 2008, and read his book How To Win Friends and Influence People. It's kind of the same thing.
My crazy is: I have this knee-jerk tendency to downplay and bury my accomplishments, or I will only share them with a few trusted friends (might be a girl thing). The reality is I do this as a protective response. During childhood I learned to not be as LOUD about what I could do, or what I did. I made a decision as a young child to play small around people so that didn't make them feel bad about themselves. I guess it comes with the territory of being an empath.
I cannot help being good at a multitude of things, just saying.
I'm getting out to the habit of playing small and safe with the help of my very expensive therapist. It's important for me to shout from the mountain tops, and take up space, and tell the truths that no one dares tell, because I want to impact this little life. I want to change the world one junk wax at a time.
My genuine heart, my passion for beauty, and my love of this industry is the reason that I have had every last one of these experiences.

lil ole ME on the front page of the Joyful Heart Foundation's website
That Time This Happened
In April of 2015 my studio phone rang. I answered it. On the other end was an associate producer that wanted to talk to me about being a contributor for a documentary called "Shelved"*. The documentary was about the rape kit backlog that plagued police departments, and prosecutor offices nationally.
I'd recently created, coordinated, and ran a community outreach event to raise awareness about sexual assault. I was in my element and ready and willing to lend a helping hand. After meeting with directors, producers, therapists, going on a retreat, and lending my expertise behind the scenes for more than two years.
I got an opportunity to meet Mariska Hargitay, Kym Worthy and a host of other amazing people in 2017 at a pre- Tribeca Film Festival party. She produced the documentary I Am Evidence a documentary by Trish Adlesic & Gheeta Gandbhir. As a survivor that never received my day in court. I am eternally grateful for that moment in time. Here's a pic of us on the red carpet. Yup, that's me next to Mariska.
If you'd like to see the Emmy winning documentary (I Am Evidence). It's available to watch on You Tube, Amazon, Hulu, and Max. Yes, sexual assault is a very heavy topic to discuss, but they did a phenomenal job on bringing awareness to this often ignored subject matter. I've posted the Emmy acceptance speech below.
I am very proud that I was able to make an impact by using my passion for business, beauty, and safer communities to raise awareness.

*After renaming the documentary. Shelved became a very powerful PSA for Joyful Heart Foundation and End The BackLog.Org

Emmy Acceptance Speech
I've Never Really Talked About This Night
My former bootleg publicist called me one evening and invited me to an event in the D. She got me out of the house by telling me that I could meet people to promote my product Bumpcology. She conveniently left out the part about the guns and rappers.
Now, I am a suburban girly through and through. So I was a bit reluctant to attend because the event was in real Detroit. Any-who, she promised that we would be safe and I could promote my product. Okay, bet let's do this! Got to the venue and there was armed security. I make it my business to not go places where the security is strapped with assault rifles.Ya girl was shook! I was like, who the heck is coming here tonight, the Lort himself?
While Jesus didn't make a physical appearance Trick-Trick, TI, 3/4 of the group Escape, and Shekinah did. Not being a huge fan of rap music I'd never heard of Trick-Trick, and I didn't know that TI was so popular. I lived in ATL for years, so yeah he's that guy there, but he's that guy in the D too. I see you TIP.
If the image of TI looks doctored, it is. I removed the person that photobombed my pic. You can see her photobombing in action in the picture with Trick Trick.

I call this one Tif & TIP Bankhead Roots*

My cousin called me the next day to let me know that I ended up being on TMZ. I was taking pics of Tiny & Shekinah. I love them!
Tiffany, Trick-Trick & Tayler having a" T" Party.
I got Jokes. He was doubled over laughing. So we had to take another pic.